YEOW! Hello 05 BLOG! I've FINALLY figured out how to post. This is my first official "blog" EVER. And it couldn't be a better one... It's a privilege to be included here! PLEASE pardon the CRAZY layout...This past weekend Carrie and I decided to go camping- it was decided- last minute style (to my fault) because I had worked super late until 3:30 am on Thurs night/Fri morn (to get a cut done for networks to BUY the show!), thinking I could get my taxes done on Friday... After work I slept really late, also due to working later than usual the previous 3 days, but not past midnight. So I didn't get my taxes done. And the only next appt my guy had was sat night- prime time to spend with Carrie so I debated for a few minutes- camping with Carrie or taxes (which I had been prepping for awhile)? Hmmm... No brainer. After a few texts between C & I (which included some of the info in the previous sentences you've just read), I got a new appt AND GOT READY TO GET OUTTA LA! So I go friday afternoon to the toy store (home depot) and pick up some new camping supplemental gear. Got awesome new headlamps, lantern, fire packs, etc. STOKED! So friday night, we hit the grocery store & get lots of supplies/wood/ice/food...getting info on these "super mega delicious" foil wrapped fire dinners from Carrie. Then, we look in my "California Camping" book and look up some sites. We call a few and all are closed, look online, and seems that most are booked all around LA. I fell asleep thinking about making sure we had everything on the list Carrie had entitled "CAMP FEST 2010!"
Sat am Carrie goes to get her hair done & I hit the loading for awhile...once she's back, we finish packing & HIT THE ROAD @2:30pm (30 min past target time) w/ a FULLY LOADED vehicle. Texting/calling people that we are out of town & "If we don't find a campsite, I'm pitching the tent in the middle of PCH!" Probably wouldn't have in the MIDDLE of pch, but we were DETERMINED. So we get up the 101 and jump down one of Malibu's most winding roads, Route 23 to get to the PCH. Shortly up the road is Leo Carillo State Beach- highly rated (& one that says online is booked)...my hopes are low here. We drive up & see the sign that they are full, talk to the gate guide & he gives us some info on other places. We drive up the road & check another. Booked. Daylight is running out. We keep heading north, and as we pull into Mc Grath State beach, Carrie says, "I've got a feeling THIS is the one! They have spots!" I have the same feeling. Pull up & CHA CHING! Yes, they have sites available...we even get to pick it out. Sweet!
We scope the most prime spot & go back to the ranger to lock it down as more cars are getting in line to come to camp...Set up shop & BAM! We're in business! Camping. Awesome. We set up the tent, unload the gear, prep the gourmet fire dinners, take a walk to the beach @ sunset, then build the fuego. Carrie may dispute that we made it to the beach in time, but I KNOW it was still sunset, it was just CLOUDY! We got caught up in the intricacies of creating those foil deliciousness packs!
We come back & start the fire, eat the most excellent dinner (which Carrie has video of), and then make some smores! Awesome! Pros of this camp: Really close to the beach AND Availablity! Cons: Lots of campers (we had to tell our neighbors to turn down the punk rock)... But it was GREAT! The next morning we get up and tear down camp. LUCKILY, Carrie found my crowbar (which I had dropped in the grass after pulling out the stakes!) I REALLY dislike losing tools;-/ Thanks Carrie!!! We get outta McGrath & start heading SB & find another beach that Carrie knows about...we were in no hurry to get back to LA as it was LA marathon race day which as you all know SNARLS traffic. So we go to this beach after coming down the trail, realize it's kind of warm & sun is starting to peek out of the clouds. I run back up the trail to get some beach stuff since we decide stay- on the phone with Carrie a couple times within 10 minutes finding towels & blankets, I get back down & the sun goes back in the clouds & the temp drops a solid ten degrees in the next 15 minutes. SO, we head it back to LA... What a GREAT WEEKEND! I LOVE CAMPING! Hope you all had a great one too- I love these pix! I'm going to sleep now because my tax appt is in the am. What a super complicated job YOU have Joanna! Cheers, Drew
What a super lucky night! Gotta love camping on the beach. Pictures are fantastic - love them!
ReplyDeleteBTW- the picture of the headlamps is AWESOME!!
ReplyDeleteWeird, my 1st comment didn't show up- but I said something like "You crack me up! This trip was super fun, glad you posted. Props go to Sarah for her awesome foil recipes!"
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Wonderful! Love the post; I felt I was there!